Thursday, May 31, 2018

Demon Road: Personal Response

‘Demon Road’ is about a 16 year old girl named Amber who inherited the demon gene from her parents. On her sixteenth birthday, she gets attacked, and she discovers her demon like features, red skin, horns, talons and sharp teeth. This is a bit of a contrast to her original character, who is portrayed as being weak and incapable of fighting, so it’s quite strange for her to suddenly be full of energy and she gets quite overwhelmed with the sudden power she gets. I can understand this as I am not that strong, and I would feel overwhelmed by suddenly being really strong and being able to protect myself. This is a good example of what happens when people suddenly get more power then they would usually have. They get overwhelmed and they sometimes don’t act the way they usually would. I feel like this could happen in the real world if a politician that didn’t have much experience was suddenly elected, there would be a lot of pressure put on their shoulders and they could get overwhelmed and not be able to think clear. Amber goes home to learn that her parents are demon that need to quench their thirst for power. They planned to eat her alive to gain her demon powers so they could keep on being immortal. In one way I don’t relate to Amber, which is good because I don’t think anyone would want their parents trying to kill them and eat them, so I’m glad my parents don’t. One of Amber’s parents friends, Imelda, who was also a demon, and was also supposed to eat Amber to gain her powers, didn’t want to continue living this way, killing innocent children again and again. She helps Amber escape her parents, and gets one of her friends, Milo to protect her. I really like Imelda’s character as she changes her ways as she was sick of the things she was forced to do. I feel like this really proves that if you are having a tough time, people will always be there to support you and help you get through it. I think it also proves the point that people can change their habits and the way they act which I think is really important to remember as if someone doesn’t like the way they are, or the way they act they can change something in their life that would fix that problem. Milo and Amber set off on the road to meet the Shining Demon, who they thought would be able to help Amber, since it was the Shining Demon who made her parents and their friends demons in the first place. Amber makes a deal with the Shining Demon and has to go find someone that broke a deal with him, and bring this guy back to the Shining Demon. They meet a young Irishman named Glen on the way. He had been cursed, and thinking he would die soon anyway, decides to join them. They go through Hell and back together. I can relate to this because I have been through tough times. Some I had to face alone, and they were much harder then the problems I faced with my friends when I had them to lean on where I knew I could trust them to support me. I can also relate to Glen, the young Irishman they meet, since sometimes I feel like I can talk a lot and be somewhat annoying, which is how Glen is portrayed in the book, but Glen and I telling corny and cheesy jokes and puns make up for the annoying qualities we have, since we can sometimes make other people laugh. I think it’s important for people to make others laugh as the world would be filled with sadness and there wouldn’t be any laughter anywhere.