Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ready Player One - Personal Response

Ready Player One - Personal Blog:

Ready Player One is a film about a world that is polluted and destroyed, so people escape into a virtual reality, called the Oasis. The creator of the Oasis had died, and created a puzzle for people to solve, and the person who solves the puzzle gets to be the new owner of the company.

I think ready player one can connect with many people, but mainly the younger generation because it shows a technology development from where we are now. Even now, we have some of the technology that is shown in the film. This really proved to me how fast technology is developing and how much faster it could develop in the near future.

The film Ready Player One shows a world where everyone is almost completely living in the online world, the Oasis, and never leaves it except for toilet breaks, eating and other necessary life needs. I feel like this is what our world is starting to become, with people interacting less in real life, and interacting more online. This relates to me a lot, and made me think about how my world is changing as I’m starting to interact more with my friends online, even though I see them everyday at school. I talk to them online sometimes after school and on the weekends.

Ready Player One impacted on me a lot because of the inclusion of the virtual reality which made me realise how virtual, and unreal our world has become. For example, I could go see a certain sight, somewhere I’ve always wanted to go or a place that I find beautiful, or I could search it up on the internet to see it. The film impacted on my life by making me realise that seeing things in real life are far more beautiful than seeing them on a screen.

I’m a little bit scared for the future, because I don’t want a future where the beautiful things in life are shared on a screen. I want a world where you can experience things in reality, seeing things for how beautiful they are in reality, rather than how good they look on a screen.

The Oasis is a place where you can go anywhere you want, and it made me think of all the places I have inside my mind, that I can visit on days that maybe aren't as good as they could have been. These places are really beautiful, where nothing ever goes wrong, and all of the troubles and problems of the world disappear. There aren't any stresses or worries, and you I can just be free from the world I'm living in now if I want to. These are places that could only exist in my mind, unless The Oasis was a real place. The world in my head is so beautiful that it makes me happy and calm when I’m having a bad day, and they would be far prettier and they would make me so much happier if they were a part of reality.

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